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March Missionary Madness!

We’ve got our own kind of March Madness going on this month. Miss Monica Ornelas & I are trying to raise our missionary budgets to get to Ethiopia! We are traveling to different churches each week & sharing our testimonies with children and adults. Even though we get physically exhausted we never tire of telling about how faithful God is to bring a harvest when we step out to preach the gospel to Ethiopians living in remote regions. I’m thrilled to tell you we see the same faithfulness in southern California. The holy spirit draws people to God when we share the gospel.

Monica was approved as a missionary associate last June and will be joining my team in Ethiopia. What an answer to prayer! She was a children’s pastor at Canyon Hills Church in Bakersfield for the last 10 years but felt a call to missions at the age of 15. She is now stepping into a new season & I know she would appreciate your prayers and support. You can find out more about Monica at:

Where are we actually going? Good question! I wanted to include a map this time around so you can see where we work sharing the gospel with our Ethiopian friends. We are targeting unreached people groups in the southern region of Ethiopia. As you can see there are several countries that surround Ethiopia such as Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya and Sudan. Here’s a fun fact: did you know that 70% of Africa’s mountains are found in Ethiopia? Crazy right? Everyone seems to think that Ethiopia is just a dry barren desert land but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Although there are regions that continually experience drought and famine there are many bodies of water and mountainous areas with foliage and waterfalls! It is sometimes called the “roof of Africa”.










I am excited to announce that as of today I’m at 69.5%! Let me pause a moment and thank you! Yes you. Without your faithfulness I could not ever leave Californian soil. Without your prayers I would have never battled cancer and won! Without your giving none of the lives I’ve been privileged to touch would have ever been reached with the gospel. You and me, we make an incredible team! If you are led to start giving please follow this link:

Do you want to help our Ethiopian kids get bible materials and soccer equipment? Kids all over California did. I currently have a BGMC(Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) project open to purchase materials and curriculum to teach Godly character through soccer. So far the kids of Southern California has raised close to $5000 dollars!! Don’t let them out give you!

Have your kids visit to learn more about how kids are raising money for children all over the world.  Here’s a link to encourage your kids to give to Missions :

Blessings to you as we team up to share the good news in our neighborhoods and to the nations. We serve a global God that is not willing that one should perish! Amen





  • Laverne wernli on March 14, 2017

    I am so excited for you. Hope you will be coming to our. Church. Love, Laverne. I will have peanut brittle for you if I know when you might come to Arvin.

    • Carrie Johnson on February 19, 2021

      Hello Laverne! I hope I will be able to come visit as well. I sure love your peanut brittle!