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Tag Archives: Ethiopia
Something new is coming but I’m not sure what it is yet! Due to the conflict & ethnic unrest in southern Ethiopia where I was living I have now relocated to a safer region of Ethiopia. Praise the Lord that he has kept me safe through it all! Although this move was much needed it […]
I wish I could tell you that everything has been running smoothly but that just isn’t reality here in Ethiopia! Can I tell you that this season of my life & ministry has been one of the toughest to date. But I’m not really shocked. The enemy hates what we are doing & accomplishing here […]
Holy Mole! Look what lives in my backyard! This giant creature makes it’s home in Lake Hawassa. The lake just happens to be my backyard here in Ethiopia. So I guess you could say we are neighbors. But not the type that you borrow a cup of sugar from! Lots of things have happened […]
We’ve got our own kind of March Madness going on this month. Miss Monica Ornelas & I are trying to raise our missionary budgets to get to Ethiopia! We are traveling to different churches each week & sharing our testimonies with children and adults. Even though we get physically exhausted we never tire of telling […]
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