Greetings from the great land of Ethiopia!
As many of you know I spent a little time in the US back in April and May renewing my visa so I could fly back into Ethiopia. My time at home was great & helped me renew my strength. Once I arrived back in Ethiopia in June I began language studies. For 2 months I labored over the Amharic language. And once I graduated at the end of July I headed down to Jinka to begin ministry again. It has really paid off. My language skills are 10 times better than they were. It is especially nice to be able to communicate with people in Jinka as well as the tribal groups I go into.
While in Addis studying language I was able to purchase a used bicycle. Many thanks for the AG Socal District & Dan Campbell for taking an offering that enabled me to do this! Once I arrived in Jinka I also purchased a refrigerator. Yes, that’s right! I had it delivered by donkey to my home! We found one shop in Jinka selling them. My world is so different here!
While I was in Addis studying we sent 5 people from the Maale Tribe and 6 people from the Kara Tribe to a summer bible school located in Turmi. They learned about evangelization, bible story telling & church planting. Just recently I was able to make some trips into the bush to visit the Maale Tribe and Kara Tribe to check on the progress. The Maale now have 5 native missionaries that have each started small groups in their respective areas. We got to visit each one & meet their members. God’s church is growing! We were also able to give a bible to each of the 5 missionaries thanks to Pastor Tim Milner in Arizona!
- New bibles for the Maale
In Kara we also met with our new native missionaries & their small groups. Can I tell you that even the older men(elders) are learning with the young children! God has done a new thing among them. They asked for people who could teach them every day so they would remember and now God has given them exactly what they wanted. I have elders asking for bibles now! Never before have their people studied about God & now they cannot get enough! Thanks to Greg Billings, owner of PTS Rentals, I was able to give away fish line & soap to the Kara people. The Kara children are also now playing volleyball & soccer thanks to a generous donation from the young married’s group at Canyon Hills Assembly of God in Bakersfield, CA. I had many donations of stickers and toys that were also distributed to the Kara children of Labuk.
Please pray for the Kara boys that are being forced to go through the rite of passage by their fathers. Pray that they can stand up & say no. And pray for the hearts of their fathers to be turned toward God. The rite of passage involves spilling the blood of a cow as a sacrifice to the devil. Light and darkness have no communion together. We will have the victory!
As usual our bush time would not be complete without coffee ceremonies! We drink a lot of coffee during our visits but all in the name of fellowship & friendship. I’m the one with the most clothing on & the only woman among elders & chiefs! Why God has granted me such favor I will never know!
Recently I met with the pastor of the small AG church here in Jinka. Pastor Jonah has great need with the church building and equipping local missionaries to go preach the gospel message. Everything requires money! The church must be rebuilt according to Jinka governmental standards. Right now we worship with a dirt floor and mud walls. So the task of raising money will begin! Pastor Jonah has asked me to put on some training sessions for his missionary/evangelists in our storytelling method. Also we will start a children’s program on Saturday’s to reach the local neighborhood children & use our newly donated flannel graphs to teach the kids! I would like to thank Lynn Williams & the Women’s Ministry at First Assembly of God in Bakersfield, CA for supplying a flannel set & cutting every little piece for me! Also I would like to thank Lynne Wright & Ruth Hallberg for providing another 2 sets & scissors! God bless you ladies for making an investment in the lives of these children.
- Teaching the kids in Jinka
In other news I have been traveling to outlying areas to repair medical equipment in remote areas. I had the pleasure of going to Turmi to a clinic to repair an autoclave or 2! God is using my experience and medical equipment knowledge to serve a bigger purpose. It’s pretty amazing! We just celebrated Ethiopian New Year on September 11th. The day started with a wild church service! At 9am we piled in to sing, dance & worship the Lord for several hours! I was then invited to a local family’s home for chicken stew(doro wot) and gallons of coffee! You must go and share coffee with each of your neighbors as they invite you all day long. These Ethiopians know how to celebrate.
Carrie, we read every word with great excitement and huge smiles! Knowing God has great things in store for you and your beloved friends in Ethiopia. We will be praying for you and looking forward to each blog update! Love U!
thank you!!
This is Amazing Baby Girl !!! I love love love this!!!!!
Keep them coming!!!!!
I will! I love you!
This is Amazing Baby Girl !!!! I love love love this !!!!
Keep them coming !!! Hugs and Kisses
I love you !!
Aunt Vic
I love you!!
We pray this day is a Blessing to you, just like all the days to come, thank you for lessening to Gods will for your life, and for blessing HIS KINGDOM, Praise the Lord and all that dowel with in your heart in ETHIOPIA. Much LOVE IN CHRIST, Sandy
thank you Sandra
I am a friend of Josh Roberts and he told me about you and I would love to read you story of Gods call on your life and further get connected to your work in Ethiopia. We have 2 school out there as a church and we love Ethiopia.
That’s wonderful to hear!